About us

Who are we?

Curious Squirrel is a community magazine based in Ponteland, Heddon and Morpeth but for all the people of Northumberland and beyond.

Our mission is:

To reflect the issues and concerns of people who live here.

To celebrate our history, people and places.

To entertain and inform.

Although sometimes opinionated, Curious Squirrel will not be trying to tell people what to think. However, we are interested in exploring the gap between what life is like in our communities, and how we would like it to be.

Curious Squirrel is produced by a small group of Labour Party members living in Ponteland, Heddon and Morpeth. However any views expressed do not necessarily reflect Labour Party policy Our aim is for Curious Squirrel to be of interest to all and we welcome articles from people with any or no political persuasion.

About every two to three months we produce a hard copy of the Curious Squirrel and distribute it free to 1000 homes in the area. If you would like to receive a hard copy please let us know.

The hard copies and the website are funded solely by personal donations. All donations received are used exclusively to meet print and site maintenance costs.